The Great Technocratic Reset

Nov. 23, 2023 Forty-five months ago (March 2020), the world shut down. I wanted to revisit a couple of things because that event marked decisive movement toward the end-point of Babylon described in Revelation 18. There are a number who have a misunderstanding of prophecy, and don’t engage in serious study of the book of …

Nov. 23, 2023

Forty-five months ago (March 2020), the world shut down. I wanted to revisit a couple of things because that event marked decisive movement toward the end-point of Babylon described in Revelation 18.

There are a number who have a misunderstanding of prophecy, and don’t engage in serious study of the book of Revelation after its third chapter. But God’s final pre-Second Coming global intervention is seen in Revelation 18. Three sets of powers finally control the globe. Corporate powers (called the “merchants of the earth” in Revelation 18:3, 11, 15, 23), political powers (called the “kings of the earth” in Revelation 18:3, 9), and the combined apostate religious powers (Revelation 18:2-8, 10, 16). (Many teach that believers are raptured after Revelation chapter three and avoid the tribulation. But that is no more true than that Hebrews enslaved in Egypt were delivered without any effort on their part. Then God’s people were tested and passed through that tribulation after marking their doorposts with blood. Revelation teaches that a last generation of Christians will be similarly tested.)

By now you’ve heard of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. In 2021 I did a video reaction his 2020 book Covid-19: The Great Reset.(1) Schwab claimed “there is nothing new about the confinement and lockdowns imposed upon much of the world to manage COVID-19.”(2) Also, that “we are at war, but with an enemy that is invisible…”(3) He urged that “we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world…”(4)

Schwab and his fellow travelers present themselves in a way that seems to coincide with the kind of persons whose activities shall characterize the powers identified in Bible prophecy at Revelation chapter 18, but with a twist. The worldview of current leaders is substantially technocratic. Technocracy arose a century ago as a secular movement to replace representative democracy with experts using science to manage the civilization and its energy consumption.

A threefold set of wealthy corporations, state, and religion, is described in chapters 13 and 18 of Revelation as compelling people to obey them. They will have total economic control and people will not be able to buy or sell apart from their approval.

But how does our world change from what it now is to what the future prophetic snapshot shows? On a societal scale expectations about rights will change; respect for individual conscience will decrease. There will be change in emphasis from the individual to the collective. There will be cartelization, collusion, a working together to control populations. Finally, we can expect that certain stories will be created and told to the masses, while others are censored.

Revelation 13:11 describes a historical entity having conflicting characteristics. The two horns like a lamb show it will manifest some of the qualities of Jesus, but in the end it speaks as a dragon exercising satanic qualities, deceiving and forcing people to do what the first beast (Revelation 13:1-10) commands.

Protestants historically identified the first beast as the Papacy, while the Revelation 13:11 beast corresponds to an America finally forsaking its original principles, abandoning religious freedom, and uniting with the first beast to compel its observances.

Which brings us back to Schwab and his book. Schwab is all in for the big control we saw in 2020 and today. He pushes collectivist thinking. “We are now in the same boat, humanity has to take care of the global boat as a whole.”(5) He viewed mask-wearing during the pandemic as a moral choice: “Refusing to wear a mask in public is a moral choice, as indeed, is the decision to wear one.”(6) And he urges those in power to make the fullest use of the situation to bring about dramatic changes in the world:

Without delay, we need to set in motion the great reset… the pandemic gives us, this chance: it ‘represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.’(7)

Just months ago this year, in an address at the World Governments Summit in Dubai, Schwab updated and urged world leaders to continue to implement the changes already set in motion. Listen:

Our life in ten years from now will be completely different, very much affected, and, who masters those technologies will, in some way, be the master of the world. Now what does it mean for governments and for government officials? Four things:

First, since we speak about a transformation process, we have to be ambitious in our thinking. How do we want to come out at the end of this transformation process? We have to seize the opportunities because, through joint efforts, we could really make this world a better place, by using the capabilities we have. So, ambition is very important, believing in the positive force of those transformational changes.

The second advice is to have speed. You cannot catch up with the new technologies. You have to be a front runner, because otherwise you will be on the loosing-out side. Adaptability is the next factor. Adaptability requires permanent upscaling and rescaling.

And the last factor I want to mention is resilience, the capability to bounce back, because there will be certainly what we call the black swans, the unpleasant surprises which will come our way. So, minister, dear participants, I wish you a very good meeting, and just as a last point, I want to say, the most important factor to master the future is leadership.(8)

Our world is rapidly moving toward a time, whether this set or a future set of leaders, where corporate, political, and religious powers will consolidate control and compel conscience. The years our civilization has just passed through warn us that we are in a dangerous time, and that now, more than ever, we should put our spiritual house in order. We have entered a time of global upheaval. Many are unready. Do you know the One who died on the cross to give you life, and are you walking in a way that He can bless you and your family?


  1. Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset.
  2. Ibid., p. 13.
  3. Ibid., p. 16.
  4. Ibid., p. 19.
  5. Ibid., p. 22.
  6. Ibid., p. 222.
  7. Ibid., p. 244.
  8., accessed 2023-11-22.

See Great Controversy, 603-604.



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